
Our Services

We strive to deliver a premium service experience each and every day to our clients. This is a central value to OCS IT and is driven from the top down to all employees and consultants.


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We Make Managing Your Business IT Simple

For more information on our IT services, please click on the icons and thumbnails below.

Managed IT

Designed to empower your business with expert guidance. Check our basic services.


Today more than ever, users are the weak link in your network security.

Healthcare IT

We are experts on providing healthcare professinals with top-tier IT solutions.

Cloud Computing

A few ways the cloud may help is up-to-date software, flexible costs and capacity.


VoIP can allow you to make a call directly from a computer or a special VoIP phone.



Our award-winning IT support team is available to keep your technology running smoothly.

Healthcare IT Experts

OCS IT has been supporting Healthcare practices for over 15 years. We understand that the healthcare sector has specific requirements and support needs.

Healthcare IT
What is HIPAA Compliance?2023-09-06T16:40:48-04:00

HIPAA compliance refers to adhering to the regulations set forth by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. These regulations require healthcare providers to protect patients’ sensitive health information.

What are managed IT services, and how do they benefit my business?2023-10-11T17:10:44-04:00

Managed IT services represent a comprehensive approach to handling your organization’s technology needs. In essence, it’s a proactive and outsourced solution designed to keep your IT infrastructure running efficiently and securely.

What Is HIPAA Compliance, And Why Is It Important For ENT Professionals?2023-09-06T20:41:28-04:00

HIPAA is a set of regulations designed to protect patient privacy and security. As a healthcare provider, it’s crucial to comply with HIPAA rules to avoid costly fines and protect patient information. Failure to comply with HIPAA regulations can result in fines up to $1.5 million.

How Often Do I Need To Train My Staff On Cybersecurity?2023-09-06T16:44:01-04:00

Cybersecurity training should be an ongoing process. We recommend training your staff at least once a year to ensure they stay up-to-date on the latest security best practices.

How to Protect Yourself From a Phishing Email?2023-03-06T02:25:53-05:00

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